WELCOME TO the curious little art shop that asks...

Who needs reality
when you've got Vision?

Collectable art with a DASH OF STRANGE

Thinking, creating, learning, loving: any value-experience we have occurs when the number or quality of the connections we make increases. So treat these pictures like connective thinking exercises. Sometimes, making absurd or strange connections reminds our brains that it’s okay to think outside the box. That skill becomes even more important when you’re stuck isolating inside of one… and what  better way to beautify your world than with art?  Collect or simply stare and share.  All are welcome!  Have a gander at these portals.  As the outer world seems to contract, may your inner worlds expand!

So What is this, a weird little shop of unearthly delights?

Well yes, as a matter of *fact! This is the Visionist History shop, where you can buy portals that *might lead you to the very edge of dreaming.  You don’t need to know anything to ‘get’ these works of art. Just let them carry you to the familiar place where consciousness slips away, and the things that howl and rumble under your skin have been waiting to tell you their secrets.

SHARING IS scaring, so be a good ghost and share on...
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curious about the studio
where all these objects are made?
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